Welcome to the Cherry Blossom Players of Nutley, New Jersey! Our next scheduled show is a two-act
parody of corporate life by Steven Jon Kaplan. Performances will be at 8:00 p.m. on April 28, 29, and 30 at 100
Vincent Place, Nutley, NJ 07032. Tickets are 14 dollars and 12 for seniors and students with ID. Your kids
might not understand everything, but the language and actions are rated PG so feel free to bring them along.
First Act: Nine O'Clock to Five O'Clock
Second Act: Hire Me
This will be the world premiere of both plays with a super-talented cast pictured below:

Above, top row, left to right: Bill Zielinski; Allison Hogan; Judy Lettiere; Kristine Stringer; Steven Jon Kaplan.
Above, bottom row, left to right: Christopher Cofone; Ryan Miller; Lisa D'Agati Geerhart.
Click here to contact the playwright.
Let us know if you strictly observe Pesach and we can make special accommodations for you to attend on April 26 or 27.
ABOUT US: Cherry Blossom Players was founded by Ricky Franco in 2005 and has been going strong ever since. We have
been producing everything from world-famous Broadway musicals to the most obscure but promising local talent such as our latest
program. The current production is a hilarious absurdist comedy which has a serious message about how we often allow ourselves
to be thoroughly manipulated by others as long as we are being well paid with good benefits.
(c) 2005-2016 Cherry Blossom Players We always love to hear
from the audience about anything at all.
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